Status of women in different periods of India

Women constitute half of humanity. Throughout history, women are equal participants along with male in the struggle for survival and growth in the society. Women have been glaringly absent from the chronicles of history, and their status in society has elicited little interest in recent times, despite their equal contribution in making history. However, their position in the family, kinship, and society has fluctuated throughout history. It is necessary to examine the position of women in Indian society from ancient times to the present. The status of women must be examined in terms of what it is in fact rather than in terms of what it is in concept. In this context, this paper aims to analyse and historically traces the overall position of women in India. The main objective of this study is to discuss about their status in Indian societies to have a better understanding. The study examines the position of women in different periods like ancient to the present (that means ancient, mediaeval, pre-colonial and post-colonial times along with modern period) about their educational, economic, and political status. The study has collected secondary data and analysed by using descriptive analysis method. It also analyses the role of women in social reforms, freedom struggle and women movements in India along with initiatives (the constitutional provisions, laws, acts, schemes, and programmes after independence) taken by the government of India to enhance the status of women and also to control the discrimination against women in India.