Precipitation within unilamellar vesicles. Part 1. Studies of silver(I) oxide formation

The precipitation of small (ca. 10 nm) Ag2O crystallites within unilamellar vesicles has been studied by electron microscopy and light scattering. Many single-domain intravesicular crystallites have been observed by high-resolution imaging, indicating that crystallisation often initiates at a single site on the inner membrane surface followed by slow crystal growth. Under certain experimental conditions no nucleation has been observed below an extravesicular pH (pHout) of ca. 11.0 due to negligible diffusion of OH across the membrane. Above a pHout of 11.0 the rate of precipitation has been found to be dependent on the rate of crystal growth. Semi-quantitative experiments have shown that the kinetics are first order with respect to intravesicular silver(I) concentration and first order with respect to extravesicular OH concentration between a pHout of 11.0 and 12.0. The general possibility of control of precipitation by a vesicle membrane is discussed.