The Boltzmann master equation model has been applied to the question of precompound nucleon deexcitation of reactions induced by 10100 MeV/nucleon (c.m.) heavy ions. Test systems of 16O+60Ni and 27Al+86Kr were selected. Experimental neutron spectra in coincidence with evaporation residue and fission fragments from the 20Ne+165Ho system (due to Holub et al.) were reproduced quite well by the master equation with exciton numbers between 20 and 23. Exciton values of projectile mass and projectile mass plus 3 were therefore used in the extrapolations of the master equation. Results show major fractions of the excitation and up to 35 nucleons removed during the coalescence-equilibration period. The linear momentum transfer predicted by the master equation is shown to be in good agreement with a broad range of data. Calculations are provided as to the range of angular momenta which may be carried off by the precompound cascade.