Rupture of a Pancreatic Cyst Into the Portal Vein

FAT NECROSIS of the pancreas and surrounding tissues is well known in the course of pancreatitis, but the additional involvement of subcutaneous nodular and generalized fat necrosis has received relatively little attention. This report describes a case of nodular subcutaneous fat necrosis and generalized fat necrosis due to rupture of the pancreas into the portal vein producing, in effect, direct intravenous absorption of pancreatic secretions. Report of a Case A 57-year-old, 150 lb (68 kg), white salesman came to Ravenswood Hospital on Jan 6, 1964, with painful dark areas of swelling on both legs. Three weeks previously he had observed pinpoint areas of redness which had enlarged over a period of several days from 0.5 to 0.6 cm in diameter. There was no immediate preceding history of illness or trauma. Three months earlier, the patient had had a cholecystectomy and a choledochostomy, with a postoperative diagnosis of cholecystitis, moderate common