Periodically driven nonlinear oscillators can exhibit a form of phase locking in which a well-defined feature of the motion occurs near a preferred phase of the stimulus, but a random number of stimulus cycles are skipped between its occurrences. This feature may be an action potential, or another crossing by a state variable of some specific value. This behavior can also occur when no apparent external periodic forcing is present. The phase preference is then measured with respect to a time scale internal to the system. Models of these behaviors are briefly reviewed, and new mechanisms are presented that involve the coupling of noise to the equations of motion. Our study investigates such stochastic phase locking near bifurcations commonly present in models of biological oscillators: (1) a supercritical and (2) a subcritical Hopf bifurcation, and, under autonomous conditions, near (3) a saddle-node bifurcation, and (4) chaotic behavior. Our results complement previous studies of aperiodic phase locking in which noise perturbs deterministic phase-locked motion. In our study however, we emphasize how noise can induce a stochastic phase-locked motion that does not have a similar deterministic counterpart. Although our study focuses on models of excitable and bursting neurons, our results are applicable to other oscillators, such as those discussed in the respiratory and cardiac literatures.