The influence of nursing leadership on nurse performance: a systematic literature review

The aim was to explore leadership factors that influence nurse performance and particularly, the role that nursing leadership behaviors play in nurses' perceptions of performance motivation. Nurse performance is vital to quality patient care outcomes and nursing leadership behaviors have been linked to nurse performance. A review of research articles that examined the factors that nurses perceived as influencing their motivation and performance was conducted. Eight studies were included in the final analysis. Nurses' perceptions of factors that affect their motivation and ability to perform were grouped into five categories using content analysis: autonomy, work relationships, resource accessibility, nurse factors, and leadership practices. Nursing leadership behaviors were found to influence both nurses' motivations directly and indirectly via other factors. The review suggests that nurse performance may be improved by addressing nurse autonomy, relationships among nurses, their colleagues and leaders, and resource accessibility. Nursing managers and leaders may enhance their nurses' performance by understanding and addressing the factors that affect their ability and motivation to perform.