Analisis Heat Island pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Kayong Utara, Kalimantan Barat

Between 2000 – 2017, 3.06 million hectares of primary forest in Kalimantan have been converted into palm oil plantation. This change impacts local climate changes. This study aims is to analyze the heat island in palm oil plantation. The analytical method used surface temperature estimation through remote sensing and zonal statistics. The remote sensing data that are used is Landsat 8 images acquired on 15 July 2018 and 3 August 2019. From this research, we found that young palm oil plantations have an average IHI value of 2.1 ± 1.7oC in 2018 and 1.7 ± 1.4oC in 2019. The IHI value is close to the heat island in a built-up area. IHI for mature palm oil plantation (11-12 years) created a cool island with an intensity close to secondary forest. The decreasing value of IHI for 2018 and 2019 in palm oil plantations is due to the growth of palm oil trees, which decreases surface temperature. The implication of this research is to know heat island effect due to deforestation or land cover changes, especially change into palm oil plantations.