Continuous subcutaneous insulin Infusion: Good blood glucose control for up to 4 days

Six insulin-dependent diabetics were studied on their conventional insulin treatment and during continuous, dual-rate, subcutaneous insulin infusion for periods of up to 4 days. Diabetic control, as assessed by mean plasma glucose, range of plasma glucose values, M-value or range of M-values was improved significantly in 5 patients (mean ± SD plasma glucose concentration on final infusion day 6.9±1.3 mmol/l, versus 11.3±3.2 mmol/l on conventional treatment). Once a suitable insulin dose was established blood glucose control could be maintained by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion using the same daily infusion rate without frequent adjustment. In some cases this was less than the daily dose on the conventional treatment. However, glycaemic control in one “brittle” diabetic, with unpredictable swings in blood glucose on her normal regimen, was not improved by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. During the period tested there was no sepsis at the cannula implantation site and patients did not find the system uncomfortable or unduly inconvenient.