Polarized-optical-absorption spectra of Co2+ in ZnO are reported. The crystal-field transitions from the A24 ground state to the T24 (F), T14 (F), and E2 (G) multiplets are analyzed in detail. These bands consist of sharp zero-phonon lines and their vibronic sidebands, where coupling to 528-cm1 optical phonons and 100-cm1 acoustical phonons from the M point of the ZnO Brillouin zone is shown to be dominant. In order to explain the level scheme derived from the spectra the Hamiltonian describing cubic and trigonal crystal field, Coulomb and spin-orbit interaction has been diagonalized within the full d7 configuration. With Dq=400, v=120, v=320, B=760, C=3500, and ζ=430 cm1 both the band positions and the electronic-fine-structure splittings are satisfactorily accounted for. In addition the g factors of the Co2+ ground state, g and g, are correctly predicted.