SUMMARY: The Fayoumi (Oasis/Province of Fayotimi) or Ramadi (village of Dar-el-Ramad) breed of chicken is said to have been introduced into this area in the early part of the 19th century; phenotypically it recalls the Silver Campine from which it is reputed to descend. A hardy and well adapted breed it was saved through the creation of the Fayoumi Poultry Research Station in 194é, which also assured an active improvement policy of the breed. The creation in 1958 of the Fayoumi Poultry Cooperative Society further strengthened the conservation of the breed and its use through distribution of genetic material to farmers and smallholders of the Fayoumi province. Since the early é0's the breed is reported to have been successfully introduced to countries as different as the UK and the USA, Vietn@ Iraq, Pakistan and India. Its adaptability and resistance to the problems of xyrotherrnic tropical and sub-tropical conditions is confirmed by its actual prevalence in Southern Egypt.