Proteomic analysis of HEK293 cells expressing non small cell lung carcinoma associated epidermal growth factor receptor variants reveals induction of heat shock response

In view of the fact that certain non small cell lung carcinoma associated epidermal growth factor receptor mutations keep the receptor constitutively active, the downstream effectors of altered activity of mutant receptors are largely unknown. By 2D gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/MS analysis, we showed that increased activity of EGFR mutants, L858R, L861Q and A871G induce heat shock proteins such as Hsp70, Hsp60, Hsp90B1, Hsp5a, Hsp71 and few transcriptional factors. Of which, Hsp70 was observed to be regulated more selectively to L861Q mutant. Our results suggest the possible role of heat shock proteins in lung tumor progression considering EGFR mutations.
Funding Information
  • Indian Council of Medical Research (No. 5/13/94/2008- NCD III)