Next Generation of Medical Care Bed with Internet of Things Solutions

Many industries depend on the technological development of the world. Technological developments in smart homes and life-saving hospitals allow people to stay indoors in a comfortable, secure and independent way where they want to be. This paper presents a Medical Care Bed with Internet of Things Solutions a bed designed specifically for patients in hospitals or other people who need some forms of health care that can be used with button, voice commands and phone applications. for control the Smart Bed System using sensors, to voice-controlled application, we are continuously trying to find a better way to control electrical and electronic devices to ease our daily life. Common features include adjustable height for the entire bed, head and feet, adjustable, adjustable, temperature, pressure, voice command and application to run both family using sensors and monitoring patient's body temperature, Measuring the proportion of oxygen in the blood and heart beat using arduino board. This family features are special features for both the ease and comfort of the patient and the comfort of health care workers.

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