TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) causes increases in protein kinases particularly protein kinase C in the hepatic plasma membrane of the rat and the guinea pig

To study the course of TCDD-evoked changes in the functions of plasma membrane constituents TCDD effects on protein kinase activities in the liver of rats and guinea pigs were investigated. TCDD was found to cause a sharp increase in both c-AMP independent and dependent protein kinase activities in plasma membrane preparations from rat liver within 48 h from the time of administration. Such effects reached maxima around day 20, and were quite noticeable even 40 days after a single administration of TCDD. As a result of SDS[sodium dodecyl sulfate]-polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis several substrate proteins for these increased protein kinases were observed. Among them are 170 K-150 K bands, representing EGF [epidermal growth factor] receptor protein. TCDD was found to particularly stimulate protein kinase C which is known to influence many enzyme and receptor functions through protein phosphorylation. The possible significance of such an action of TCDD is discussed.