The wall of the digestive tract is composed of the tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis and tunica serosa. Lamina‐submucosa separation or any glands were not observed in tunica mucosa. Goblet cells were determined to constitute a much larger reserve at digestive tract mucosa. Histochemical analysis of the intestine of flower fish (Pseudophoxinus antalyae) showed that gastrointestinal mucous content included sulphate‐esters and/or carboxylic [Alcian blue (AB) 0.06+], glycogene and/or oxidable dioles [periodic acid/Schiff+ (PAS+)], neutral or acid‐rich (PAS/AB pH 2.5+), sialic acid residues (KOH/PAS) and strong acid sulphated [Aldehyde fuchsin+ (AF+)] glycoproteins (GPs). Except these mucosubstances to lower densities, densely sulphate (AB pH 2.5+), O‐sulphate esters (AB pH 1+) strong and weak sulphated (AB 0.3 M+), GPs were also determined.