Case Report: Atheroembolic renal disease in a 72-year-old patient through coronary intervention after myocardial infarction

Cholesterol embolization or atheroembolic renal disease (AERD) is an often underdiagnosed issue in patients featuring a prevalent risk profile. It is a multisystemic disease with progressive renal insufficiency due to foreign body reaction of cholesterol crystals flushed into a small vessel system of the kidneys from the arteriosclerotic plaques. The most common setting in which it occurs is iatrogenic after vascular catheterization and less frequent spontaneously. Typical clinical symptoms are delayed impairment of renal function, cutaneous manifestations such as livedo reticularis or purple toes with persistingly palpable arterial pulse, myalgia, systemic symptoms such as weight loss and fever, and abdominal and neurological symptoms. Diagnosis is generally made by clinical appearance, risk profile, and interval of time from intervention; a definitive diagnosis can only be made by renal biopsy. Even though the exact incidence is not known because most patients do not undergo biopsy due to older age, comorbidity, and other explanations for loss of renal function, it is estimated to be 4% after vascular intervention. Patient and renal outcome is dependent on comorbidity, risk profile, and preexisting chronic kidney disease (CKD). About 30% of patients are estimated to require maintenance dialysis and these patients have a high risk of death within 24 months after the first renal replacement therapy. Prognosis is also influenced by severity. The case reported is a 72-year-old male patient with preexisting CKD stage 3 undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention after myocardial infarction and consecutive AERD with typical clinical appearance 6 weeks after the event.