Growth and properties of oxygen- and ion-doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystals

A directional solidification method for growing large single crystals in the Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+δ system is reported. Ion doping, with replacement of La for Sr and Y for Ca, as well as oxygen doping in these crystals has been explored. Doped and undoped crystals have been characterized using microprobe analysis, x-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and magnetic and Hall measurements. Ion doping results in little change of the superconducting transition for substitution levels below 20–25%, while beyond this level the Meissner signal broadens and the low-temperature Meissner signal decreases. Microprobe analysis and x-ray diffraction performed on these more highly substituted single crystals provide evidence for inhomogeneity and phase segregation into regions of distinct composition. Annealing unsubstituted crystals in increasing partial pressures of oxygen reversibly depresses the superconducting transition temperature from 90 (as made) to 77 K (oxygen pressure annealed), while the carrier concentrations, as determined from Hall effect measurements, increase from n=3.1(3)×1021 cm3 (0.34 holes per Cu site) to 4.6(3)×1021 cm3 (0.50 holes per Cu site).