Spin-spin correlation functions for the two-dimensional Ising model: Exact theory in the scaling region

We compute exactly the spin-spin correlation functions σ0,0σM,N for the two-dimensional Ising model on a square lattice in zero magnetic field for T>Tc and T<Tc. We then analyze the correlation functions in the scaling limit TTc,M2+N2 such that (TTc) is fixed. In this scaling limit σ0,0σM,N=R14F±(t)+R54F1±(t)+o(R54), where t is the scaling variable Rξ and F±(t) and F1±(t) are the scaling functions (ξ is the correlation length). We derive exact expressions for these scaling functions, in terms of a Painlevé function of the third kind and analyze both the small- and large-t behavior. A table of values for F±(t) (good to ten significant digits) is also given. As an application we computer the coefficients C0± and C1± in the expansion kBTχ(T)=C0±|1TcT|74+C1±|1TcT|34+O(1) of the zero-field susceptibility χ(T) as TTc±.