Energy cost of treadmill and floor walking at self-selected paces

Oxygen uptake-velocity regression equations were developed for floor and level treadmill walking by having two groups of men, aged 19–29 years (n=20) and 55–66 years (n=22), walk at four self-selected paces, from “rather slowly” to “as fast as possible”. A two-variable quadratric model relating VO2 (ml·kg−1·min−1) to velocity (m·s−1) was adopted for prediction purposes. However, age and fatness significantly (p−1, the energy cost for the treadmill (age 55–66 years) was 10.58 ml·kg−1·min−1 and for the floor, 11.04 ml·kg−1·min−1 (p<0.05). Four quadratic equations are therefore presented, one each for floor and treadmill in each of the two age-groups. The percent variance explained was between 87 and 95% for each of these equations.