Evaluation of Phosphorus Species in the Bed Sediments of an Atlantic Basin: Bioavailability and Relation with Surface Active Components of the Sediment

In this study, total phosphorus (P) concentrations and P fractions in the bed sediments of the Anllóns River (NW Spain) have been examined. The Lowest Effect Level of the Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines was trespassed for total phosphorus (600 mg kg−1) at three out of the five sampling sites which, in addition, showed an average of 43% of bioavailable phosphate. The inorganic P fractions (loosely bound P, redox-sensitive P, metal oxide-bound P, carbonate and apatite P, and residual P) showed that inorganic P was mostly found as metal oxide bound P. The difference between total phosphorus and the sum of the inorganic P forms determined in these extracts is attributed to P associated to organic compounds being solubilized in some of the extractants, and represented in average 58% of total phosphorus. With the exception of loosely bound P, all the P fractions showed significant positive correlations with each other and with total phosphorus.