[Italian validation of the Prolonged Grief Disorder Questionnaire (PG-12)].

  • 15 August 2008
    • journal article
    • research article
    • Vol. 30, A105-10
Death or severe invalidity (e.g. vegetative state) of a family member causes deep emotional distress to the caregiver. In most cases elaboration of mourning at the loss unfolds in physiological times and modes, enabling the caregiver to react to the separation and resume their own daily life. In some cases, however, there is an incapacity to react and caregivers remain imprisoned in a condition they are unable to elaborate consisting of memories, regrets and a sense of guilt, that leads to their self isolation and prevents them from leading a full life as prior to the grief-causing event. This condition, not always classifiable as a major depressive disorder, is, according to a recent debate, more adequately described as the "Prolonged Grief Disorder". The Prolonged Grief Disorder is a new diagnostic category, currently under examination in America for inclusion in the DSM V in order to give clinicians a picture that better describes the condition of these caregivers. The PG-12 is a questionnaire that is easy and quick to administer and score which can guide the clinician in the diagnosis of this condition. The present paper presents the methodology followed for the translation into Italian of this instrument and the data that emerged concerning its validity and applicability. 45 caregivers of vegetative state patients were enrolled. The PG-12 Italian version showed good internal consistency (Cronbach alpha = 0.88) and a mono factorial structure.