Superficialization of Deep Arteriovenous Access Procedures in Obese Patients Using Suction-Assisted Lipectomy: A Novel Approach

Successful dialysis access necessitates superficial arteriovenous fistula (AVF) placement to facilitate identification of anatomical landmarks for safe cannulation. Suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL) may be an alternative to traditional surgical AVF revision procedures for placing fistulas more superficially. Three patients with an average body mass index of 45.2 kg/m2, with inaccessible AVFs due to obesity, underwent ultrasound-guided SAL of their upper extremities. Successful cannulation was achieved within two weeks. A clinically insignificant hematoma and arm swelling occurred in one patient. SAL provides a safe and effective alternative for salvaging deep AVFs for dialysis access in the upper extremities of obese patients.