Template-Free Preparation of Bunches of Aligned Boehmite Nanowires

A simple method based on a hydrothermal process using alkali salts as mineralizers is proposed for the synthesis of aligned bunches of boehmite (γ-AlOOH) nanowires without a template's assistance. Most bunches of aligned boehmite nanowires are constructed by two separated shorter bundles with widths of 700 to ∼800 nm and lengths of about 1 μm. XRD patterns, FTIR spectra, and SEM and TEM images were used to characterize the products. The specific surface area and pore-size distribution of the obtained product as determined by gas-sorption measurements show that the boehmite bundles possess a high BET surface area and porosity properties. The importance of adding Na2B4O7 salts for the formation of bundle morphologies has been discussed.