Spatial analysis of manufacturing growth in outer South-East England 1960–1967

Keeble D. E. and Hauser D. P. (1971) Spatial analysis of manufacturing growth in outer South-East England, 1960–1967, Reg. Studies 5, 229–262. The paper discusses the hypotheses tested and data used in multiple regression analyses of the interurban spatial pattern of manufacturing change in South-East England outside Greater London. This is the most rapidly-growing major industrial region of Britain. Measurements of 39 different independent variables were used to test hypotheses relating spatial variation in seven manufacturing employment and floorspace growth indices to local industrial and firm size structures, level of industrial specialization, the impact of local and metropolitan manufacturing decentralization, market accessibility, labour availability, agglomeration economies and diseconomies, communications proximity, residential space preferences, and planning constraints and policies. A later paper will discuss the results of these analyses.