Sequential magnetic resonance imaging following stereotactic radiofrequency ventralis lateralis thalamotomy

✓ Serial postoperative magnetic resonance (MR) studies were obtained in 21 patients who underwent somatotopically placed stereotactic radiofrequency (rf) ventralis lateralis thalamotomy for the control of movement disorders. The MR studies were reviewed to determine the MR characteristics of early-phase (≤ 7 days) and late-phase (8 days to 5 months) lesions. Surgery was performed for the control of parkinsonian tremor (14 cases), intention tremor (six cases), and essential tremor (one case). Single rf lesions were made with an electrode (1.6 mm in diameter, 3 mm in tip length) heated to 78°C for 60 seconds. On MR images of the lesions, three distinct concentric zones were identified, described as follows (from the center outward). Zone 1 gives increased signal on long-relaxation time (TR) (T2-weighted) MR images in early- and late-phase lesions and decreased signal on short-TR (T1-weighted) MR images in early-phase lesions only. Zone 2 gives decreased signal on long-TR (T2-weighted) images in early- and l...