Effects on intracranial pressure of resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock with hypertonic saline versus lactated Ringerʼs solution

Hypertonic saline (2400 mOsm/L) has been used successfully for fluid resuscitation of dogs subjected to severe hemorrhagic shock. This study compared the effects of resuscitation with hypertonic saline vs. lactated Ringer's solution on intracranial pressure (ICP) in dogs subjected to 30 min of sustained hypovolemic shock. Hypotension was produced by rapid withdrawal of blood until mean arterial pressure was 50 mm Hg, maintained at that level by withdrawal or infusion of blood over the next 30 min as necessary. Eight animals were resuscitated with hypertonic saline solution and nine with lactated Ringer's solution. Both solutions restored systolic blood pressure and cardiac output to control values. However, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure did not return to control values. The most prominent difference between the two groups was in ICP measured after resuscitation. ICP was lower in dogs resuscitated with hypertonic saline than in dogs resuscitated with lactated Ringer's solution (p = .029). Hypertonic saline fluid resuscitation may represent a potential alternative when aggravation of intracranial hypertension during resuscitation would place a patient at greater risk.