Structural Development of Mercaptophenol Self-Assembled Monolayers and the Overlying Mineral Phase during Templated CaCO3 Crystallization from a Transient Amorphous Film

Formation of biomineral structures is increasingly attributed to directed growth of a mineral phase from an amorphous precursor on an organic matrix. While many in vitro studies have used calcite formation on organothiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) as a model system to investigate this process, they have generally focused on the stability of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) or maximizing control over the order of the final mineral phase. Little is known about the early stages of mineral formation, particularly the structural evolution of the SAM and mineral. Here we use near-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (NEXAFS), photoemission spectroscopy (PES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to address this gap in knowledge by examining the changes in order and bonding of mercaptophenol (MP) SAMs on Au(111) during the initial stages of mineral formation as well as the mechanism of ACC to calcite transformation during template-directed crystallization. We demonstrate that formation of ACC on the MP SAMs brings about a profound change in the morphology of the monolayers: although the as-prepared MP SAMs are composed of monomers with well-defined orientations, precipitation of the amorphous mineral phase results in substantial structural disorder within the monolayers. Significantly, a preferential face of nucleation is observed for crystallization of calcite from ACC on the SAM surfaces despite this static disorder.