Factors influencing long-term pessary use

Introduction and hypothesis We aimed to identify factors contributing to successful pessary use for over 1 year. Methods A chart review was conducted composed of 150 women at Montefiore Medical Center, using a pessary for over 1 year. Characteristics of those who continued pessary usage were compared with those who discontinued use by using Chi-square, Fisher’s exact test, logistic regression model, receiver–operator characteristic curve, and Kaplan–Meier survival curves. Results Thirty-five women (23%) discontinued using pessaries (DP) after a year, while 115 women (77%) continued (CP). There was no difference in multiple characteristics. The DP group had more patients with stress incontinence, p = 0.17. Older age at pessary insertion showed higher continued use (OR = 1.083, CI: 1.033–1.136). Patients with a history of prolapse repair surgery were more likely to discontinue pessary use. Conclusions Age greater than 72 years was associated with continued pessary use and history of hysterectomy or prolapse surgery, and stress incontinence were associated with discontinuation.