Advanced portable preterm baby incubator

Nearly 20 million premature and Low Birth Weight infants are born each year in developing countries, 4 million die within their first month. These deaths occur due to the unavailability or unreliability of traditional incubators. Moreover, although Telemedicine is helpful in rural areas, the shortage of healthcare providers have made it inaccessible in both basic healthcare. Thereby, traditional preterm baby and low-birth weight incubators and therapeutic techniques lack Telemedicine communication and feedback. The aim of our project is to develop an advanced portable and wireless-base incubator. We tend to provide an affordable, feasible, patient friendly and reliable premature baby incubator especially in low-income countries. The project focuses on the premature babies in the third trimester of pregnancy. The design is based on Wi-Fi and infrared technologies that measure the essential parameters that must be controlled for preemies. These parameters include the heart rate, oxygen level in the blood and temperature. Results showed the advanced design building blocks. The response of the generated power-voltage proves that the power can be regulated by the voltage. The thermal isolation can decrease the thermal lose and increase the time needed to drop temperature 6 times. In the room temperature of premature infant, 20° C and 45° C, the resistance decreases from 12.69 kQ to 4.82 kü. The voltage and the temperature were inversely proportional. The heaters were efficient when tested on water. One of the major advantages of the device is that it surpasses existing techniques. As a future prospect more electronic components needs to be tested and features needs to be extracted.