Experiments are described in which dengue fever was transmitted by Aëdes (Stegomyia) scutellaris hebrideus Edw., fed on patients in New Guinea and on healthy volunteers at Sydney, New South Wales. This finding explains the outbreaks of “jungle” dengue fever which have occurred in New Guinea. Mansonia (Mansonioides) uniformis Theo., Aëdes (Ochlerotatus) vigilax Sk., and Aedes (Aëdes) funereus var. ornatus Theo. are probably not efficient vectors. Armigeres breinli Tayl. also may not be an efficient vector, but the results with Armigeres milnensis Lee, Aedes (Aëdes) similis Theo., and Aëdes (Skusea) aurimargo Edw. were inconclusive. The biology and control of Aëdes scutelluris are briefly discussed.

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