Flow Cytometric Analysis of Small Renal Tumors

Flow cytometric deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content analysis was performed on 26 renal tumors 3.0 cm. or less in maximum diameter. We noted DNA aneuploid cell populations in 8 of 25 tumors (32%) evaluable for DNA ploidy status. DNA aneuploid cells comprised 7 to 59% of the cells in those tumors. In comparison, 12 of 25 tumors (48%) larger than 3.0 cm. had aneuploid cell populations. S phase cell populations were significantly increased in the small aneuploid tumors compared with the small diploid tumors (p < 0.001). We believe that these small tumors have the potential to behave aggressively and, therefore, they should be treated no differently than larger renal neoplasms.