Long-term cardiac events in men and women with angina at rest and transient ST segment elevation

Consecutive patients with ASTE (n = 364) from January 1984 to December 1999 were included. ASTE diagnosis was based on ⩾1 episodes of ASTE (⩾1 mm) without enzyme increase. Exclusion criteria were age >70 years, left bundle branch block, associated cardiac disease, previous myocardial infarction or coronary revascularisation. Severe coronary vasospasm was documented when ergonovine or intracoronary acetylcholine was given intravenously in patients with <70% stenosis. Cardiac death, myocardial infarction and sudden death were identified as main events; cardiac death was considered when following heart failure, myocardial infarction or coronary revascularisation, and sudden death when it occurred within 1 h of symptom onset. Analysis of variance or Wilcoxon rank …