Synthesis and Antiplatelet Effects of ω-Aminoalkoxylxanthones

A series of ω-aminoalkoxylxanthones were synthesized and tested in-vitro for their ability to inhibit aggregation of rabbit washed platelets and human platelet-rich plasma (PRP) induced by various inducers. Nine of these compounds showed more potent antiplatelet effects than natural norathyriol tetraacetate on collagen-induced aggregation. The various ω-aminoalkoxyl side chains of the synthesized compounds modified the antiplatelet effects. All the compounds tested in human PRP showed significant inhibition of secondary aggregation induced by adrenaline, suggesting that the antiplatelet effects of these compounds is mainly due to an inhibitory effect on thromboxane formation. These compounds at high concentration also cause vasorelaxing action in rat thoracic aorta.
Funding Information
  • National Sciences Council, ROC, Public Health, Executive Yuan, ROC (NSC 82-0420-B037-008-M 13, DOH 82-HR-C18)