Fear conditioning, preparedness, and the contingent negative variation

Psychophysiological research on preparedness has previously focused on autonomic nervous system parameters. The present study used electrocortical indices of fear conditioning. Subjects (n = 10) were tested under fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant conditions (1 week apart, order of conditions counterbalanced). Each condition comprised acquisition and extinction sessions. The contingent negative variation (CNV) was elicited in anticipation of forewarned slides (fear relevant: small animals; fear irrelevant: landscapes). In acquisition, reinforced conditioned stimulus (CS+) (but not nonreinforced conditioned stimulus [CS-]) slides were followed by white noise as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS). In extinction, the UCS was omitted. In the fear-relevant condition, CNV amplitude was significantly larger for CS+ than CS- in both acquisition and extinction. In the fear-relevant condition, CNV amplitude was significantly larger for CS+ than CS- in both acquisition and extinction. In the fear-irrelevant condition, CNV differentiation between CS+ and CS- was weak in both sessions. CNV was significantly larger in the fear-relevant than in the fear-irrelevant condition, for CS+ but not CS-. The findings are consistent with a preparedness interpretation and suggest that CNV under such circumstances may represent an automatic affective response to fear-relevant stimuli. Electrocortical measures could be particularly useful in examining information processing mechanisms in phobia and cognition-affect relationships generally.