Treatment of Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis With Tinidazole

Recurrent bacterial vaginosis is a difficult clinical condition. In women with recurrent bacterial vaginosis, relapses are common, even after prolonged courses of maintenance therapy. Because of its spectrum of activity, tinidazole was used in a patient with recurrent bacterial vaginosis. A 23-year-old woman taking oral contraceptives had a single sexual partner. She was treated for recurrent bacterial vaginosis with multiple courses of metronidazole gel 0.75%, including regimens of maintenance therapy. The patient experienced repeated recurrences shortly after stopping treatment. A single course of oral tinidazole resulted in a prolonged period where she was free of bacterial vaginosis. Treatment options for recurrent bacterial vaginosis are currently limited. Tinidazole may be a useful option in women with recurrent bacterial vaginosis.