Neutral-ionic interface in organic charge-transfer salts

Charge transfer (CT) stabilization in linear stacks Dγ+AγDγ+Aγ of π-electron donors (D) and acceptors (A) involve spin-dependent configuration interactions that are treated exactly in rings of N=4, 6, 8, 10 sites, and extrapolated to N, by adapting valence-bond techniques to electron-hole excitations. The ground state CT γ(z) and the magnetic gap ΔEm(z)2|t| to the lowest triplet are computed for arbitrary z=δ2|t|, where 2δ is the energy for DAD+A, |t|=D+A|H|DA is the Mulliken CT integral, and D2+, A2 sites are excluded. The spin degeneracy of Aσ and D+σ ion radicals is treated exactly. Instead of the discontinuous change from γ=0 to γ=1 in the limit |t|0, finite overlap gives a continuous γ(z) and γ(zc)=0.68±0.01 at the neutral-ionic interface zc=0.53±0.01. The magnetic gap ΔEm is finite for z<zc and vanishes for z>zc, where there is a diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition and the ground state switches from k=0 to k=π symmetry. Collective effects due to long-range three-dimensional Coulomb interactions are included in a Hartree approximation and produce a first-order transition, with discontinuous γ(z), when the critical value