One-Year Refractive Results of Central Photorefractive Keratectomy for Myopia in the Nonhuman Primate Cornea

• Photorefractive keratectomy for the correction of myopia was performed in 32 eyes of 16 green monkeys. The corneas healed satisfactorily, with normal formation of basal lamina and hemidesmosomal attachments visible in 14-week histologic specimens. No recurrent erosions were observed clinically. After a transient period of faint haze, all corneas were clear at 17 weeks and remained clear through the 1-year follow-up. In terms of accuracy, all corneas demonstrated a significant flattening compared with preoperative values, but no significant difference was seen between the groups with different intended corrections (1.5 and 3 diopters). The changes in corneal shape stabilized by 17 weeks, as measured by keratometry. The clinical results suggest that mechanical removal of the epithelium is preferable to laser ablation of the epithelium. Overall, the results demonstrate that excimer laser ablation of the corneal stroma can produce a stable dioptric change in the primate cornea with good healing and long-term corneal clarity.

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