Combined Treatment of Earlobe Keloids with Shaving, Cryosurgery, and Intralesional Steroid Injection: A 1-Year Follow-Up

Earlobe keloids are benign, fibrous proliferations that occur in predisposed persons at sites of cutaneous injury. No single best therapeutic modality is indicated. To describe a 1-year follow-up of 12 patients with earlobe keloids treated by shaving followed by cryosurgery and intralesional injection of triamcinolone. Twelve patients were treated with combined surgery and cryosurgery. After 1 year, major response was observed in nine cases (75%) and moderate response in two cases (16%); one case had a relapse 5 months after the surgery. These results are highly encouraging because all patients showed improvement. Shaving associated with cryosurgery seems to be a useful treatment for large keloids scars.

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