Hepatitis B Vaccination in Dialysis Patients and Nutritional Status

35 dialysis patients underwent anti-HBV vaccination. We classified patients in responders or non-responders using an anti-HBs titer of 50 UI/l as the discriminating serum level and tried to assess whether the antibody response bears any relationship with the nutritional status. 26 patients (74%) reached the target atb titer, which was maintained during follow-up (average 360 UI/l). The weak response in the other 9, with values never exceeding 20 UI/l, was short-lived. Anthropometric and impedenziometric parameters were higher in responders than in nonresponders, but the difference did not reach statistical significance. We conclude that the atb titer which discriminates uremics in responders or not must be > 50 UI/l and that the nutritional status may interfere with the seroconversion rate, but this conclusion needs to be validated in a wider population.