Utilizing Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy To Study Intracellular Distribution of Label-Free Ponatinib in Live Cells

Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy represents a powerful method for imaging label-free drug dis-tribution with high resolution. SRS was applied to image label-free ponatinib with high sensitivity and speci-ficity in live human chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cell lines. This was achieved at biologically relevant, na-nomolar concentrations; allowing determination of ponatinib uptake and sequestration into lysosomes during the development of acquired drug resistance and an improved understanding of target engagement.
Funding Information
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/L016559/1)
  • Medical Research Council
  • Cancer Research UK (C157/A15703, C157/A25140)