Internal Conversion Coefficients ofM1Gamma Rays ofAu199andAu195

An attempt has been made to measure the internal conversion coefficients of the M1+E2 radiations of Au199 and Au195 with sufficient accuracy to check the effect of the finite nuclear size on internal conversion in this region of Z. In the case of Au199 a direct comparison of the 158-kev pure E2 transition with the 208-kev M1+E2 radiation was possible. Comparison of the gamma-ray intensities determined from scintillation spectrometry with conversion line intensities measured in a small shaped-field spectrometer yielded K, L, M, total shell coefficients. Comparison of these gamma-ray intensities with conversion line intensities photographically recorded in a higher resolution permanent-field spectrometer led to L-subshell coefficients. The results for the 208-kev transition are: aK=0.71±0.05, aL=0.144±0.01, aLI=0.114±0.007, aLII=0.0227±0.0007, aLIII=0.0065±0.0005, aM=0.042±0.04, and aN+O=0.0083±0.001. The empirical multiplicative factors f by which point-nucleus theoretical values are to be reduced, presumably due to the finite nuclear effect, and the E2 mixing ratio r have been determined: fK=0.762±0.08, fLI=0.78±0.13, fLII=1.00±0.06, fLIII=1.0, and r=0.11±0.03. These results, insofar as they may be compared, are not inconsistent with Sliv's predictions (fK=0.8). An experimental value of 0.60 was found for the screening correction to Rose's M-shell coefficients for this Z and energy region.