Role of Advanced Glycation End Products With Oxidative Stress in Resistance Artery Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetic Mice

Objective— Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation and vasculopathy. We hypothesized that AGEs contribute to resistance artery dysfunction. Methods and Results— Type 2 diabetic db /db (diabetic) and nondiabetic db /db + (control) mice were treated with the AGE inhibitor (aminoguanidine: 50 mg/Kg/d) for 3 months. Isolated mesenteric resistance arteries (MRAs) were mounted in an arteriograph. Pressure-induced myogenic tone (MT) was increased in diabetic mice but was unaffected by aminoguanidine treatment. Phenylephrine-induced contraction and nitric oxide donor-induced endothelium-independent relaxation were similar in all groups. In diabetic mice, endothelium-dependent relaxation in response to shear-stress or acetylcholine was altered and was associated with reduced eNOS protein and mRNA expression. Aminoguanidine treatment improved endothelial function and restored eNOS expression. AGE formation and hypoxia markers (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 and Bnip3) were increased in MRA from diabetic mice and normalized with Aminoguanidine. Primary cultured endothelial cells (ECs) isolated from resistance arteries subjected to high glucose for 48 hours showed decreased eNOS expression and phosphorylation in response to calcium ionophore. High glucose decreased antioxidant protein (MnSOD) and increased prooxidant proteins (gp91phox) expression leading to increased oxidative stress generation, as assessed by DHE staining and endothelial NADH/NADPH oxidase activity. The preincubation of ECs with aminoguanidine restored eNOS-phosphorylation and expression as well as the balance between pro- and antioxidant factors induced by high glucose. Conclusions— We provide evidence of a link between AGEs, oxidative stress, and resistance artery EC dysfunction in type 2 diabetic mice. Thus, AGEs and oxidative stress may be a potential target for overcoming diabetic microvessels complications.