E-Learning in Pesantren: Learning Transformation based on the Value of Pesantren

Socially, the presence of pesantren since the XX century has played its role in the midst of society, even the pesantren education system has been believed to be the last moral bastion of any educational model today, perceived to have reached a critical point and become a concern carelessness of Islamic educational values. Therefore, the study of pesantren education in recent years has become an essential part of all forms of liberation, not as domestication and social domestication. E-learning based learning can be implemented as a transformation of learning activities by designing, developing, utilizing learning through e-learning. Therefore, this learning activity is one of the relevant media if used to realize the quality of boarding school education. Besides can provide convenience in conveying information so that the learning process and running effectively and efficiently. E-learning based learning management, both in the form of; web course, web centric course, web enhanced course can improve the understanding and quality of learning.

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