Strong Oxygen-Mass Dependence of the Thermal-Expansion Coefficient in the Manganites (La1xCax)1yMn1yO3

Thermal-expansion and magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed on oxygen-isotope substituted manganites (La1xCax)1yMn1yO3 with a Mn4+ concentration of 33%. The linear thermal-expansion coefficient β(T) exhibits an asymmetric peak at the Curie temperature TC, indicative of a second-order ferromagnetic transition. Upon replacing 16O with 18O, TC is lowered by about 10 K, while the second-order jump in the thermal-expansion coefficient [Δβ(TC)] is raised by about 20%. Such a “colossal” oxygen-isotope effect on Δβ(TC) is very surprising, but can be explained quantitatively on the basis of double exchange and strong polaronic effects.