Respiratory system impedance from 4 to 40 Hz in paralyzed intubated infants with respiratory disease.

To describe the mechanical characteristics of the respiratory system in intubated neonates with respiratory disease, we measured impedance and resistance in six paralyzed intubated infants with respiratory distress syndrome, three of whom also had pulmonary interstitial emphysema. We subtracted the effects of the endotracheal tube after showing that such subtraction was valid. Oscillatory flow was generated from 4 to 40 Hz by a loudspeaker, airway pressure was measured, and flow was calculated from pressure changes in an airtight enclosure mounted behind the flow source (speaker plethysmograph). After subtraction of the endotracheal tube contribution, resistance ranged from 22 to 34 cmH2O liter-1 s; compliance from 0.22 to 0.68 ml/cmH2O; and inertance from 0.0056 to 0.047 cmH2O liter-1 s2. Our results indicate that, for these intubated infants, the mechanics of the respiratory system are well described as resistance, compliance, and inertance in series. Most of the inertance, some of the resistance, and little of the compliance are due to the endotracheal tube. When the contribution of the endotracheal tube is subtracted, the results are descriptive of the subglottal respiratory system. These data characterize the neonatal respiratory system of infants with respiratory distress syndrome (with or without pulmonary interstitial emphysema) in the range of frequencies used during high frequency ventilation.