Short-term Effect of Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty in Monkeys

• We performed argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT) in four cynomolgus monkeys and evaluated the morphologic changes in the trabecular meshwork one hour and 14 hours following the laser treatment. One hour after ALT, disruption of the trabecular beams and coagulative necrosis of the tissue were evident. Fragmented cells and fibrillar tissue debris were found in the trabecular spaces, accumulating in the juxtacanalicular region. This might explain the elevation of intraocular pressure seen immediately following ALT in some glaucomatous patients. Also, many trabecular endothelial cells were rounded up, displaying different stages of leaving the beams; these cells were actively phagocytic. Such stimulation of trabecular meshwork cells with subsequent removal of tissue debris might explain the temporary nature of elevation of intraocular pressure following ALT.