Power Conversion Efficiency and Equivalent Input Loss Factor in Magnetoelectric Gyrators

Magnetoelectric (ME) gyrators are unique circuit elements capable direct conversion of current to voltage or vice versa. In order to understand power conversion and loss processes in the gyrators, an equivalent input loss factor has been developed based on Mason's model (equivalent circuit model). This factor serves to understand the loss transferring mechanism and to evaluate the conversion efficiency for the electric power in ME gyrators. Studies have been carried out for modeling the power conversion in both the solenoid and the ME core. Several important factors have been proposed and discussed to enhance conversion efficiencies in the electric-magnetic-mechanical three-phase conversion process. A simplification of our equations reveal that the efficiency of the ME gyrator is related to the product of the effective coupling (k2eff,m) and mechanical quality (Qmech). According to our model, magnetic and electric materials with high keff,m and Qmech values are the key ingredients to enhance the efficiency of ME gyrators. We have successfully realized a power efficiency of 92% based on a Metglas/hard-PZT ME gyrator, which showed a good correlation to the predicted values.
Funding Information
  • Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency through the MATRIX Program (W911NF-15-1-0616)