Does the severity of atopic dermatitis correlate with serum IgE levels?

Recent studies suggest an association between atopic phenotypes and serum IgE levels. In contrast to asthma, this association has not been proven for atopic dermatitis. For 345 children (mean age 2.9 years), we investigated a correlation of the severity of eczema (defined by SCORAD score) and serum IgE levels. Additionally, the data was analyzed for differences between children with high and low SCORAD quartile. Parameters such as genetic background, the prevalence of other atopic phenotypes such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and allergic sensitization were recorded. Our results indicate a significant correlation between SCORAD and serum IgE levels (R = 0.31, p < 0.001), but the standard deviation was large. Children with atopic dermatitis showed a high prevalence of sensitization to foods independent of the IgE levels; children with high SCORAD levels showed a sensitization to aeroallergens significantly more often (p < 0.02). No differences were found in prevalences of atopic family background, or a number of additional atopic symptoms such as asthma and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. These results suggest that serum IgE levels seem to correlate with the degree of eczema. Children with severe atopic dermatitis and high IgE levels are at risk for sensitization to food allergens and aeroallergens.