The quantity rV(r) for ions, formed by removing a 1s electron from the neutral atom, is computed by the approach of Herman and Skillman. A straight-line approximation of rV(r) is made, leading to an exactly solvable one-electron Schrödinger equation. The discrete and continuum orbitals are used to compute Auger KLL and KLM transition rates, radiative rates, and fluorescence yields for the elements Be-Ar. Comparison with experimental K-shell fluorescence yields indicates the calculations are 25% too high for Mg and Al and within 5% for Ar. Comparison of the individual Auger transition intensities for F, Ne, Na, and Mg indicates differences of 50%. This 50% difference between calculated and measured individual Auger transition intensities persists up to Ar, where the sum of the individual intensities is in better than 7% agreement with that derived from the fluorescence yield and K-state width.

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