Measurement of microdosimetric spectra with a wall-less tissue-equivalent proportional counter for a 290 MeV/u12C beam

The frequency distribution of the lineal energy, y, of a 290 MeV/u carbon beam was measured to obtain the dose-weighted mean of y and compare it with the linear energy transfer (LET). In the experiment, a wall-less tissue-equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) in a cylindrical volume with a simulated diameter of 0.72 microm was used. The measured frequency distribution of y as well as its dose-mean value agrees within 10% uncertainty with the corresponding data from microdosimetric calculations using the PHITS code. The ratio of the measured dose-mean lineal energy to the LET of the 290 MeV/u carbon beam is 0.73, which is much smaller than the corresponding data obtained by a wall TEPC. This result demonstrates that a wall-less TEPC is necessary to precisely measure the dose-mean of y for energetic heavy ion beams.