Self-Evaluation of Contact Lens Wearing and Care by College Students and Health Care Workers

To identify perceptions related to the wear and care and of contact lenses and self-evaluation of the knowledge regarding their cleaning and disinfection. A survey was conducted by interviewing contact lens wearers among health care workers at a university hospital. Two hundred one contact lens wearers were interviewed. The average age was 23.5 years; 69.2% were female and 71.1% were college students. Approximately 55% did not consider themselves good wearers and declared as the main reason the inadequate maintenance of the contact lenses and their cases. Regarding contact lens care, 79.1% of respondents admitted not performing it correctly. Although the interviewees were health care workers, their self-evaluation regarding contact lens care showed unsatisfactory knowledge and practices related to the use and care of contact lenses.

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